The Terminator (1984)
Starring: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Michael Biehn, and Linda Hamilton
Directed by: James Cameron
SC=5 V=8 C=7
Grade: A++
I know I have reviewed this movie before, but it was a long time ago, I just rewatched it, and these movies are just that awesome. This movie is about the first time a Terminator is sent back, in the year 1984, to kill Sarah Connor (Hamilton). Sarah is just a normal girl, but her son, John Connor, will change the world. In the year 1997, Judgment Day happened. A company called Cyberdyne Systems creates a new kind of defense network called Skynet, which makes everything defense related controlled by machines. These machines soon decide that humans are its only enemy and tries to kill them all. Judgment Day is when Skynet started a nuclear war, almost wiping out all of the humans. But, some survived. The survivors had to face a new horror: the war against the machines. One man taught them to fight and banded them together: his name is John Connor. And it is because of him that the war against the machines is won. So, the machines send back a Terminator (Schwarzenegger), a cyborg (metal on the inside, skin on the outside) that kills without mercy, to kill Sarah Connor, which will keep John from being born. But John is able to send back a soldier to protect Sarah. His name is Kyle Reese (Biehn). But can Kyle, a human, keep Sarah safe from a machine that won't give up until she's dead?

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