Monday, March 15, 2010

Movie Review: I, Robot

I, Robot (2004)
Starring: Will Smith and Bridget Moynahan
Characters: Del Spooner and Susan Calvin
Directed by: Alex Proyas
Tagline: Laws are made to be broken.
Grade: A

This movie is pretty awesome. Face it, anything with Will Smith is. He's just awesome. Anyway, this movie is set in the future, I can't remember what year, and in the future everyone in the world has robots that do everything for them. (How they're not fat, I will never know.) Detective Spooner doesn't like robots at all, they creep him out and he's totally against them, which results in him getting kicked off the force. Before he is removed, though, his friend (a scientist named Dr. Alfred Lanning, who is in charge of designing the robots) commits suicide. He and Calvin find a robot hiding in his office. The only problem is that Dr. Lanning has programmed him so that he doesn't have to obey the three laws. (Law 1: A robot cannot harm a human or, through inaction, let a human come to harm. Law 2: A robot must obey orders from a human, unless it contradicts with the first law. Law 3: A robot must save himself, unless it contradicts with either of the first two laws.) So, he's super strong and can do anything. They can't figure out why Dr. Lanning would create a robot like this until they start investigating his death. Then, all of the ugly pieces come together to create one awesome fight scene....Will Smith against a bunch of undefeatable robots?! Heck yeah! Good movie?? Yes. Oscar worthy? No. Do not watch this movie expecting to feel great, but do expect to go on one heck of a ride.

Just finished: Casino Royale
Watching now: Quantum of Solace
Excited to see: Remember Me

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