Sunday, July 10, 2011

The Green Hornet

The Green Hornet (2011)
Starring: Seth Rogen, Jay Chou, and Cameron Diaz
Directed by: Michel Gondry
SC=4 V=6 C=5
Grade: A

Yet another superhero movie to come out this year (although this one did better than some). This is one of the few movies where I have actually liked Seth Rogen's character...that doesn't happen very much. Even cooler than Seth Rogen's character was that of his "sidekick" Jay Chou. Britt Reid (Rogen) becomes the editor of Los Angeles' "The Daily Sentinel" after his father dies. His partying ways stop, though, after he and his driver (who is also a kung fu expert) Kato (Chou) stop a robbery. Britt has a great idea that, instead of being the masked avenger, he and his sidekick Kato will pretend to be villains in order to catch the villains (trust me, it makes a lot more sense during the movie). So, as Britt (now being called The Green Hornet) and Kato set out on the biggest crime spree the city has seen, the city's other villains start to take notice. But, things don't work out exactly as the pair planned. Make sure to watch for a cameo from James Franco and a minor character played by Edward Furlong, the original John Connor from T2.

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