Love and Other Drugs (2010)
Starring: Jake Gyllenhaal and Anne Hathaway
Directed by: Edward Zwick
Grade: B
The only reason this movie gets a mildly low grade is because it was very dirty. I don't like awkward movies...and this is obviously one. My best friend and I went to go see it...about half an hour into the movie, we had already seen more of Anne Hathaway (not to mention Jake Gyllenhaal) than we ever wanted to see. Anne plays Maggie, a girl who is a very free spirit and won't let anyone "tie her down". But she meets her match in Jamie (played by Gyllenhaal, of course), who is very charming and won't let up until she agrees to go out with him. They eventually realize that they feel something for each other that neither has felt in a long time (or ever, in Jamie's case). But Maggie's sickness threatens to destroy their relationship for good.

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