Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Let's see...I said I'm going to write about feelings. So, here's how I'm feeling. It's pretty normal for a 17 year old girl, I guess.
There's a guy that I went out with....I liked him a lot when we were going out...not so much anymore. Sometimes, I want to stab him with something sharp...not kill him...just hurt him very badly. Maybe put him in the hospital for a while. And I swear, I'm not violent. That's just how stupid and aggravating he is. And my problems with him isn't that he's too goofy (which he is) or that he's around all the time (which is also true). It's that he hangs out with my friends. They wouldn't even know him if it weren't for me and now he considers them his friends and thinks they'll be loyal to him. They're still nice to him...part of me is happy for that because I don't want people to think I'm bitter, but the other part of me wants them to hate him and be mean to him. I don't know why. I don't like it when people are mean to other people...but I wouldn't mind every once and a while someone slapping him or, maybe me slapping him. haha Anyway, that's all I kind of feel like talking about. If I post anymore, I might get mad...or even madder. that a word?

Just finished: Never Been Kissed
Watching now: The Thing Called Love
Excited to see: When in Rome

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